Tomorrow’s Risk Management

What is the future of risk and resilience management?

How should we address how we take and manage risk and manage resilience in the decade 2020-2030? Our climate and the environment is changing, and we face many challenges to ensure we are sustainable with the resources we use, for the betterment of the planet. Indeed, the United Nations has described this decade as "a decade of action" for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Various matters are inter-connected in today's fast-changing world, including.
  1. Will capitalism truly change, as more businesses of all shapes and sizes become more purposeful in their role for society, and their place in the world? (“Capitalism 2.0”, as some people refer to it, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals)
  2. How will the digitisation of business, and "Industry 4.0", with our use of data as "the new oil" and AI, help us see new sources of insight and opportunities, whilst ensuring we guard against threats that are present?
  3. How will organisations ensure they are flexible and adaptable to fast-changing circumstances to capitalise in a sustainable way on opportunities they see and create?
  4. How will local and national government policies, and intergovernmental agreements, help to foster new innovation and better ways of working, including encouraging businesses to have closer linkages to society?
  5. How can businesses be truly purposeful for society and the environment in which they operate?
The Principle Consultant of Risk Insight Consulting is looking into these and other matters, and how risk and resilience management can help to address them, in association with experts around the world and international institutes. Those who see real insights can create opportunities for themselves and society and the planet as a whole.

This Paper provides some thoughts on this matter.

Please consult the Articles and Papers section and the Newsletter for examples of new thinking on risk and resilience management.

Achieve success: be inspired by seeing insights into, and acting upon, the risks that matter to you.
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